Yallingup WA
The timber house nicknamed the ‘Ark’
We were pleased to work on another James Stockwell design, this magnificent double-storied waterside home.
The ‘Ark’ sits by the ocean, with a beautiful outlook over the waves. The view is absolutely stunning, so it was important to the client to vary the load bearing design to avoid blocking the view with cumbersome posts.
Providing the glulam beams for this project was a major undertaking in engineering, but one that Vicbeam took on with pleasure. We used Gl18 Mixed Species Hardwood timber chosen for strength and the Bal19 rating needed for bushfire prone areas.
Dozens of beams ensure structural integrity, with warm wood colouring standing out everywhere throughout the home. The resulting visual landscape provides constant rich highlights to ceilings and upper and lower deck.
The balcony beams were engineered with a reverse camber to take a live load, so that when people are outside on the veranda, the weight transfers evenly back into the main structure. This allows for deflection in the balcony which results in a straight deck rather than sagging due to weight, even though there are no structural beams holding the veranda below. The focus is kept on the long sweeping views outlined by rich timber, with natural grain interiors highlighting the wilderness outside.
One of the more stunning features created by Vicbeam are the roof beams. These are curved to create beautiful living spaces, gently curving the ceiling in a way that reminds you of a ribcage, a ship hull or a medieval hall.
Upon manufacture, the purpose built, precision engineered beams were transported by train across the Nullabor to be installed by the skilled builders at Studium.